Rockwell Cage
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
120 Vassar St
Zesiger Sports & Fitness Center ("Z-Center")
Cambridge, MA 02139
Where should I park?
City parking in Boston/Cambridge can be challenging.
We recommend parking at hotel and walking, using
Lyft/Uber, or public transportation.
Metered parking may, or may not be available on Vassar St.
Parking garage availability will be shown through Parkopedia
120 Vassar St
Zesiger Sports & Fitness Center ("Z-Center")
Cambridge, MA 02139
Where should I park?
City parking in Boston/Cambridge can be challenging.
We recommend parking at hotel and walking, using
Lyft/Uber, or public transportation.
Metered parking may, or may not be available on Vassar St.
Parking garage availability will be shown through Parkopedia